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Vloeiend spreken English in 3 maanden in Lingolands

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  • apple Een gratis training
  • apple Geeft toegang tot English talige tv-zenders en films
  • apple 300+ e-boeken en luisterboeken in English, evenals toegang tot radiostations in English

Choose a language to study

Onze voordelen

Drie componenten van succesvolle online Lingolands lessons

Unique technique

You're fully engaged within the target language environment, dedicating 20% to theory and a substantial 80% to practical learning experiences.


Formaat op afstand

Classes are held on Skype, Zoom and other platforms. Study remotely from your office, home or other convenient location.

The best teachers

Indicate which teacher you need, and we will match a teacher to your needs.

Training fee

5 Lessons
From $0

Lessons / 5

native speaker teacher

10 Lessons
From $11

Lessons / 10


15 Lessons
From $11

Lessons / 15

Group Classes Online people

Betaling for 60 Minute

Conversatieclub met onbeperkt aantal bezoeken


No data

Onze programs

Select the program you'd like to enrol in at our school. Set your goals, commence the program, and attain results within three months. Try one of our programs for free.


Individual sessions

Study one-on-one with a teacher according to the program specially designed for you.


Group classes

Study with other students in a group and improve your English proficiency level


Business English

Learn to negotiate in English, learn financial, marketing and other business vocabulary. Learn to speak English uit de eerste les.


Preparation for exams

We will prepare you for the international IELTS or TOEFL exams, as well as your children for school exams. You are guaranteed to get high scores.


General English

Take a general English course for daily communication and travel. Learn to speak English from the first lesson. Start speaking in English over veelvoorkomende onderwerpen na slechts 2 - 3 maanden studie aan onze school.


English for children

English for children can be educational and exciting and efficient. Do you want your child to speak English snel? Then you will receive free lesson by clicking the button below.

Onze verhalen

Chris Dodd

a story from Chris Dodd


Alicia's story

Paul´s story

Paul talks about Glasgow accent

What is my name in ASL?

How to say your name in ASL English

Matka Canyon

Matka Canyon in Northen Macedonia


Jaime's story

Talking with AI

Talking with AI

Robot dance

Robot dance

Jaime's new story

Jaime's new story

Waarom us?

We use international educational methods that have been that have been established worldwide. These techniques allow you to start speaking in just 2-3 months, and improve your level of English bekwaamheid.

Geen eindeloze woorden uit je hoofd leren en saaie oefeningen doen - wij leren je communiceren en denken in English. Kies voor individuele lessen of groepslessen, een geschikt lesrooster en de duur van de lessen, en wij stellen een optimaal trainingsprogramma samen waarbij we rekening houden met je eisen en taalniveau.

500 000

Onderwezen lessen

48 000

Studenten opgeleid


Positive Feedback

Studenten uit andere landen

48 000


EU 65 %

Amerikaans 24 %

Engeland 9 %

Andere landen 2 %

Reviews van onze studenten

Ekaterina Salamakhin

I have a very positive impression of learning English with Anna, a very competent and pleasant teacher, I recommend her!

Lola Shodyeva

Thanks to Lingolands for selecting a good Turkish teacher. Both my children studied with Aidana for 1.5 months. The result is obvious. The speaking practice is very well done. Thank you very much Aidana. I recommend!!!

Egor Tomashin

I have been learning English here with Ova for a few months now. She is good teacher with good way of learning.

Katerina Tarantino

I love this school! It gives students such a great opportunity to improve communicative skills. Learning english can be easy and cool!

Tatiana Masaj Wien

Both my daughters study with Denis. An excellent German teacher, the right approach to children, explains very clearly, the children enjoy studying! 

Tasha Stern

I was very pleased with the teacher, the individual approach and the overall level. Short-term goals have already been achieved in 15 lessons - I recommend 

Learn other languages at our school























Are there still questions?

Ask - we are always happy to answer them. With Lingolands you will fall in love with the English language!

We will answer any questions and advise you on how best to be

Waarom heb ik een leraar nodig??

Acquiring a language necessitates structure; it cannot be a random endeavor. A well-defined plan is essential to progress from point A to point B. Your instructor will furnish you with a systematic methodology. You will follow a tailored program, honing your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. This approach will not only elevate your language proficiency but also refine your fluency.

Wat heb ik nodig om online te studeren?

  • Betrouwbare internetverbinding: Ensure you have access to a stable and high-speed internet connection to facilitate seamless online learning.
  • Apparaat: Utilize a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with updated hardware and software to support online courses and learning platforms.
  • Hoofdtelefoon en microfoon: Invest in a good pair of headphones with a built-in microphone for clear communication during virtual classes or discussions.
  • Webcam: Zorg ervoor dat uw apparaat een werkende webcam heeft voor video-interacties.
  • Tools voor notities: Have digital or physical tools for note-taking, depending on your preference.
  • Study Space: Set up a quiet and organized study space conducive to concentration and learning. Minimize distractions to enhance your focus.
  • Software and Applications: Install Skype and Zoom following those links and

How are your classes held?

Online classes are conducted through digital platforms that facilitate virtual communication and collaboration. In our school we mainly use Skype, Zoom and our own communicational tools. Our online classes share following features:

- Learning Management Systems (LMS): Many online courses and institutions use Learning Management Systems. These platforms serve as a centralized hub for course materials, assignments, discussions, and assessments.

- Video Conferencing: Live classes often involve video conferencing tools like Skype, Zoom, or other similar platforms. In these sessions, instructors and students can see and interact with each other in real time.

- Asynchronous Content: In addition to live sessions, online classes we include pre-recorded lectures, instructional videos, and multimedia content. Students can access these materials at their own pace, allowing for flexibility in learning.

- Assignments and Assessments: Assignments, quizzes, and exams are typically submitted and graded online. Online assessment tools ensure that students can be evaluated fairly and securely.

- Document Sharing: Online classes involve the sharing of documents and resources. This can include uploading assignments, sharing links to relevant articles, and collaborating on documents.

It's important for students to have a reliable internet connection, appropriate hardware (computer, tablet, or smartphone), and any necessary software for participating in online classes.

Will I study individually or in a group?

The choice is yours. Opting for individual study entails one-on-one lessons with a teacher, where you are the sole participant. On the other hand, group study involves small gatherings of 2-4 people.

It is your prerogative to select the method that best suits your learning preferences. Some students find individual lessons preferable, while others thrive in group settings. In an individual lesson, the teacher can dedicate more time exclusively to you, fostering direct communication. Group lessons, however, involve learning alongside peers in a more competitive and social environment.

What are the pros and cons of individual and group lessons?

Group and individual study represent two distinct approaches to learning, each with its own set of advantages and challenges. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between them:

Group Study:

A. Social Interaction: - Pros: Group study provides opportunities for social interaction, collaboration, and peer support. - Cons: It may be prone to distractions, and group dynamics can vary, affecting the overall learning environment.

B. Diverse Perspectives: - Pros: Different individuals bring diverse perspectives, insights, and knowledge to the study session. - Cons: Conflicting schedules and varying levels of commitment among group members can pose challenges.

C. Motivation and Accountability: - Pros: Group members can motivate and hold each other accountable, fostering a sense of shared responsibility. - Cons: Some members may rely too much on others, leading to uneven contributions.

D. Efficiency in Learning: - Pros: Group discussions can enhance understanding through shared explanations and clarifications. - Cons: Discussions may sometimes veer off-topic, impacting the efficiency of the study session.

E. Learning Styles: - Pros: Group study accommodates different learning styles, as individuals can benefit from collaborative activities. - Cons: Group sessions may not cater to the specific needs of each member, especially if there's a wide range of proficiency levels.

Individual Study:

A. Focused Attention: - Pros: Individual study allows for undivided attention to the material, promoting deep concentration and understanding. - Cons: It may lack the dynamic exchange of ideas present in group settings.

B. Customized Pace: - Pros: Individuals can set their own pace, spending more time on challenging concepts or moving quickly through familiar material. - Cons: There may be a lack of external motivation, and individuals might struggle without the support of peers.

C. Flexibility: - Pros: Flexibility in scheduling and study environment enables learners to adapt to personal preferences. - Cons: Solitary study may lead to feelings of isolation or a lack of motivation for some individuals.

D. Tailored Learning Approach: - Pros: Individuals can choose study methods that suit their learning preferences, such as visual aids, self-assessment, or hands-on activities. - Cons: It may miss out on the collaborative learning experience and shared insights present in group settings.

E. Personalized Feedback: - Pros: Immediate and personalized feedback can be obtained through self-assessment or instructor feedback. - Cons: There might be a lack of diverse perspectives and insights that come from interactions with others.

Ultimately, the choice between group and individual study depends on personal preferences, learning styles, and the specific goals of the learner. Many individuals find a combination of both approaches beneficial, depending on the subject matter and their own learning needs.

What is your lesson’s duration?

We offer lessons of varying durations to cater to different age groups and learning preferences. For toddlers and infants, as well as children under 8 years old, we recommend 30- and 45-minute lessons. These shorter durations help prevent exhaustion and maintain attention during the learning process. For the majority of students, 60-minute lessons are both common and recommended. This duration is considered optimal, allowing for focused study, as well as sufficient time for learning and practicing language materials. Additionally, we provide 90-minute lessons for those who prefer an intense learning mode and wish to fully immerse themselves in language acquisition.

How soon will I start speaking?

The timeline for becoming proficient in speaking a foreign language can vary widely depending on several factors. Here are some key considerations:

- Learning Environment: Immersive environments, where you have frequent opportunities to use the language, often lead to quicker progress. If you're living in a country where the language is spoken, you may start speaking sooner.
- Studietijd: De hoeveelheid tijd die je elke dag of week besteedt aan het leren van een taal is cruciaal. Regelmatig en consequent oefenen is effectiever dan sporadische, intensieve studiesessies. We raden je aan om ten minste 2-3 lessen per week te volgen.
- Complexiteit van de taal: De moeilijkheidsgraad van de taal zelf kan invloed hebben op hoe snel je de taal kunt spreken. Sommige talen hebben overeenkomsten met je moedertaal, waardoor ze makkelijker te leren zijn, terwijl andere talen meer uitdagingen kunnen bieden.
- Voorafgaande taalervaring: Als je al een taal spreekt die lijkt op de taal die je aan het leren bent, kun je de taal sneller oppikken. Bovendien kunnen mensen die ervaring hebben met het leren van talen zich sneller aanpassen aan nieuwe taalkundige uitdagingen.
- Motivatie en betrokkenheid: Uw mate van interesse en motivatie om de taal te leren kan uw vooruitgang aanzienlijk beïnvloeden. Door je te verdiepen in de cultuur, specifieke doelen te stellen en leuke manieren te vinden om te oefenen, kun je je motivatie vergroten. Tijdens de lessen op onze school doen we er alles aan om onze studenten te motiveren. Al ons lesmateriaal is ontworpen om je bij het leerproces te betrekken, zodat je zo snel mogelijk zult beginnen met spreken.
- Kwaliteit van leermiddelen: De doeltreffendheid van de leermiddelen en methoden die je gebruikt, speelt een rol. We bieden onze studenten bronnen en materialen van hoge kwaliteit die het leerproces versnellen.

Over het algemeen bereiken de meeste studenten die op onze school studeren basisvaardigheden in een gesprek binnen 2-3 maanden van consistente inspanning, om echt vaardig te worden in een vreemde taal duurt vaak 2-3 jaar. Het is belangrijk om realistische verwachtingen te hebben, onderweg kleine overwinningen te vieren, volhardend te zijn en te genieten van de reis van het leren van een taal. Regelmatige lessen op onze school, blootstelling en een positieve instelling zijn de belangrijkste factoren voor succes.